Stages of Development 7 to 9 year Olds

They typically have weak fine motor skills therefore proficient technique is not quite there yet. Also, they still tend to stumble when their body is in motion therefore advanced movement is still a little sloppy.
· Struggle with fine motor skills in their blocks, strikes, kicks, and stances.
· Sloppy when jumping, spinning, switching feet, etc.
· Poor application of stretches.
· Demonstrate TECHNIQUE in blocks, strikes, kicks, and stances while applying SPEED and power.
· Demonstrating AGILITY by applying proper motion to movements without looking sloppy.
· Demonstrating FLEXIBILITY by applying proper mechanics to stretching.
They are extremely bright, but they typically have a hard time concentrating during distractions.
· Initially lose focus if there are other, more "interesting" things going on around them.
· Lose focus on things that are over their head.
· Forget simple commands mainly because they try to "over-think."
· Demonstrating CONCENTRATION by focusing on the task at hand despite other distractions.
· Not giving up on tasks that initially appear difficult.
· Retain simple information without trying to put excessive thought into it.
They are wonderfully stable and love challenge. However, they are just learning how to tap into their emotions.
· Will hold back if under challenged.
· Not aware of their ability to push beyond their comfort zone.
· Show excessive fear when put on the spot with something they are not familiar with.
· Show INTENSITY in their efforts even on basic tasks.
· PERSEVERE through challenges, especially when they initially feel like giving up.
· Show COURAGE by facing their fears when trying something new.
They love to interact with others, and enjoy the spotlight. However, they can get frustrated when things don’t go their way.
· They don't like when something is unfair and will be determined to point it out and be heard.
· They tend to revert to not applying their best if they are not being challenged properly.
· Address problems and challenges properly without interfering on the overall flow of the class.
· Strive without the constant need for feedback from the instructors.